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@theexcitementmovement for inspiring, fun and expansive images and messages.

Facebook is for more than remembering birthdays… @theexcitementmovement, our perspectives and exchanges shake belief systems, and promote empowered consciousness.

Twitter @excitingmov because 140 characters many times / day r more powerful than what u think #theexcitementmovement

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Want to use our content?

Copy it. Publish it. Spread it. Be part of the collective’s expansion of consciousness. Let’s accelerate the advent of an exc!tement-centered civilization. The only thing we ask for: give credit to The Exc!tement Movement, and to us, Leo Alcalá and Evelyn Mezquita, as founders. Make sure to include a link to https://theexcitementmovement.com. Much appreciated! 🙂

Want us for your podcast or live event?

If you want to interview us on your podcast, or you’re interested in us presenting a keynote at your event, email us at requests@theexcitementmovement.com so we can get in touch to explore the possibility of working and playing together.


Have comments?

Write to us at hello@theexcitementmovement.com. Our customer support team takes care of those messages, and they always forward us those that require our direct attention or those that contain special messages addressed to us. We answer those whose content and timing allow us to.